Michael E Mahoney Ch. #691 Military Order of the Purple Heart
Fraternal Organizations
- Sands Chevrolet Surprise Conference Room 16991 W Waddell Rd Surprise AZ 85388
- (623) 776-5443
- Send Email
- Visit Website
Meeting hours: 8 to 11 am, second Saturday except Jul and Aug; Email inquiries handled daily.
Driving Directions:
Our office is not open to the public. Directions to our meetings are available on map applications.
About Us
The mission of The Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) is to foster an environment of goodwill and camaraderie among combat-wounded veterans, promote patriotism, support necessary legislative initiatives, and most importantly, provide service to all veterans and their families. We strive to support all Veterans and Veteran families in Arizona.
Membership in the MOPH is restricted to recipients of the Purple Heart Medal and their direct descendants. The medal is only awarded for wounds received in armed combat against our Nation’s enemies.
Our Chapter meets the second Saturday of each month at Sands Chevrolet in Surprise at 9 am. All Veterans and the public are invited to attend. Meeting details can be found at http://691.mophaz.org/#meetings.
All serving and honorably discharged recipients of the Purple Heart Medal who are not already members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart are encouraged to join us. Applications can be submitted, with a lifetime membership dues of only $200, online at http://691.mophaz.org/#join.

Rep/Contact Info

Larry Leighton
- Phone: (623) 776-5443
- Send an Email
- 22511 N. Galicia Dr Sun City West AZ 85375